Monday, May 10, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Brainstorm : Air Pollution , Adjectives, Causes & Effects

Adjectives: Polluted, Filthy, Congested, Crowded, Grey Skies, Smoggy

Causes: Taffic Congestion, Factories , Burning Fossil Fuels, Increasing Cars

Effects : Health ( Breathing difficulties, Asthma, Lung Cancer), Economic ( Loss of tourist $,
medical costs)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Air Pollution

Blue Sky Days?
This is my home town Hong Kong, a city with a stunning skyline & harbour . I lived there for 13 years, the top photo was taken in 1997.
When I left in 2007, blue sky days were few and far between.

Monday, May 3, 2010


  • Photos - To open a topic , warm up your students to create class discussion and vocabulary lists
  • Power Point Presentations- To Explore Topics in more depth or to Review grammar points
  • Games- To surprise and practice
  • Videos & Podcasts- With suggested listening questions
  • Web Magnets- For IWB's


  1. Environment
  2. Technology
  3. Advertising
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Graph Writing
  6. Essay - Cause & Effect
  7. Essay- Argumentative

The Toolbox

Too much TTT.
Too many websites.
Need tools?
Topic based , interactive access to web based tools, road tested...